Defend Our Kombucha Event

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The 1st event I put together was in collaboration with The Golden Poppy and Turtle Mountain Fermentary in Fort Collins, CO where I discussed how to heal the Earth we must 1st heal ourselves and the way holistic healing provides a means of facilitating that. Turtle Mountain, a woman owned kombucha taproom, is unique in the ways it centers sustainability efforts into every facet of the work they carryout. They try to be as zero waste as possible and their community driven mission has allowed for their overall success here in Colorado. Kombucha also has a long list of benefits with some being:  it helps your digestion, rids your body of toxins, and boosts your energy/immune system, helps you lose weight, can ward off high blood pressure and heart disease, and prevent cancer.Being that I used to work there, I may be biased but I truly believe they also have some of the most vibrant and unique kombucha flavors I have ever tried. I also swear by every product Golden Poppy makes as their naturally derived lotions and tinctures have allowed me to feel good about what I am putting on/in my body as well as the fact that they are local. I truly believe that all solutions to our ailments reside in nature and so returning to the Earth and allowing the power of herbs to facilitate our healing is transformative in our overall health as humans.
